Sunday 18 - First of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
17.00 Stations of the Cross
Monday 19
07.45 Morning Prayer
Tuesday 20
07.45 Morning Prayer
08.00 Said Eucharist
Wednesday 21
07.45 Morning Prayer
09.30 The Queen’s School Lent Service
11.00 Hall: Lent Group week one
12.30 Said Eucharist
13.00 Simple lunch
Thursday 22
07.45 Morning Prayer
Friday 23
Saturday 24 – St Matthias the Apostle
09.15 Morning Prayer
Sunday 25 – Second of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
17.00 Stations of the Cross