Diary 19th – 26th April

Sunday 19 April 2020 – Second of Easter
10.00 Sung Eucharist via Facebook

Monday 20
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Tuesday 21 – St Anselm
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Wednesday 22
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
11.00 Bible Study via Zoom

Thursday 23 – St George
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Friday 24 – St Mellitus
07.00 Meditation Group via Zoom
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Saturday 25 – St Mark
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Sunday 26 – The Third Sunday of Easter
10.00 Sung Eucharist via Facebook

Sunday Services announced are internet broadcast recordings aceessable on the stated dates and times  via this link

For access to Zoom events and services please email Fr. Nigel : nigel.worn@gmail.com

Important guidleines for participation in Zoom sessions is linked here

Church buildings are currently closed

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