Sunday 1 March 2020 - First of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
17.00 Stations of the Cross
Monday 2 – St Chad
10.00 Ibstock School visit
Tuesday 3 – St David
Wednesday 4
11.00 Hall: Bible Study
12.30 Said Eucharist
Thursday 5
09.00 Said Eucharist
Friday 6
07.00 Meditation
Saturday 7
08.30 Said
09.15 Hall: PCC meeting
Sunday 8 – Second of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist and ten minutes afterwards: Lady Chapel: Lent Course Exploring Generosity with Fr. Nick
17.00 Stations of the Cross
18.30 Hall: Lent Film Night – Babette’s Feast –There can be more to life