Sunday 21 February – The First Sunday of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Eucharist with Music
17.00 Stations of the Cross (live streamed)
18.30 Discussion Group One
Monday 22
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
15.30 USPG Lent Study Group
Tuesday 23 St Polycarp
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
Wednesday 24
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
11.00 Bible Study via Zoom
Thursday 25
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
Friday 26
07.00 Meditation via Zoom
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
Saturday 27
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
09.00 PCC meeting via Zoom
Sunday 28 – The Second Sunday of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Eucharist with Music
17.00 Stations of the Cross (live streamed)
18.30 Discussion Group One
St Anne’s is re-opening for worship. Limited attendance (max 30) for all services.
Booking is essential for all Services.
Emailed applications to attend Sunday services must be made before 11.00am the Friday previous.
Please apply to attend via the Parish Office at and bring your booking confirmation with you.
COVID safety measures: face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and Track & Trace continue to apply.
Importantly, please note we are not allowed to congregate with others either inside the church or in its vicinity before or after services.