Sunday 25 August 2019 - Tenth after Trinity
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
15.00 Hall: Teas
15.30 Recital – see notices
17.00 Evening Prayer
Monday 26 – Bank Holiday
09.15 Morning Prayer
Tuesday 27
07.45 Morning Prayer
Wednesday 28
07.45 Morning Prayer
12.30 Said Eucharist
Thursday 29 – The Beheading of John the Baptist
07.45 Morning Prayer
09.00 Said Eucharist
Friday 30
Saturday 31
09.15 Morning Prayer
Sunday 1 September 2019 - Eleventh after Trinity
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
15.00 Hall: Teas
15.30 Recital
17.00 Evening Prayer