Diary 28th Aug – 4th Sept

Sunday 28 – Eleventh after Trinity
8.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
15.00 Teas
15.30 Recital: Viv McLean plays Beethoven and Franck

Monday 29 – The Beheading of John the Baptist
08.35 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Tuesday 30 – John Bunyan
08.35 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Wednesday 31 – St Aidan
08.35 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday 1 September
08.35 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Friday 2
08.35 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Saturday 3 – Gregory the Great

Sunday 4 – Twelfth after Trinity
8.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
15.00 Teas
15.30 Recital: The Baroque violin
18.30 Choral Evensong

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