Diary 5th – 12th March

Sunday 5 - First of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
17.00 Stations of the Cross

Monday 6
07.45 Morning Prayer
15.00 Memorial Service: Michael Beamont RIP
20.00 The Barn Church: Lent Lecture

Tuesday 7 – Ss Perpetua, Felicity and their companions
07.45 Morning Prayer
18.30 Evening Prayer
19.00 Said Eucharist
19.30 Bethesda Healing Prayer Group

Wednesday 8 – Edward King
07.45 Morning Prayer
11.00 Hall: Bible Study
12.30 Said Eucharist

Thursday 9
07.45 Morning Prayer
09.00 Said Eucharist

Friday 10

Saturday 11
09.15 Morning Prayer
10.30 Worship Workshop – Why we do what we do in church!

Sunday 12 – Second of Lent
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
17.00 Stations of the Cross

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