Sunday 7 July – Third after Trinity
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
15.00 Hall: Teas
15.30 Recital
17.00 Evening Prayer
18.30 Hall: Late-Victorian Britain, Holst and Thaxted; and Social Justice. See notices.
Monday 8
07.45 Morning Prayer
Tuesday 9
07.45 Morning Prayer
Wednesday 10
07.45 Morning Prayer
11.00 Hall: Bible Study
12.30 Said Eucharist
18.00 Kew Green Prep School Prize Giving
Thursday 11
07.45 Morning Prayer
09.00 Said Eucharist
Friday 12
07.00 Meditation Group
18.00 Bring and share picnic on the Green
19.30 Public lecture Dr Rowan Williams: The Challenge of Affluence
Saturday 13
09.15 Morning Prayer
15.30 Morris Dancing
Sunday 14 – The Fourth after Trinity
08.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Sung Eucharist
12.00 CTiK Picnic on Green
15.00 Hall: Teas
15.30 Recital
17.00 Evening Prayer