- Life is a Gift – a short video which captures our message perfectly without saying a word! Watch this every Sunday in March during Coffee after the 10.00am service. Parish Hall.
- Exploring Generosity – a series of 3 bible study and discussion groups led by Fr Nick. These groups will help us to recognise God’s generosity to us all and inform our response to His gift. Sundays March 8th, March 15th and March 29th starting 10 minutes after the end of the 10.00am service for 45 minutes. The Lady Chapel.
- Living Generously – Time to reflect and pray led by Fr Nigel. Two opportunities to reflect together on how we live out our response to God’s generosity. Monday March 16th 7.30 – 9.00pm or Saturday March 21st 10.30 – 12.00. Parish Hall
- Lent Film nights – Emily Norman will be showing the following films on Sunday evenings at 18.30 in the Parish Hall which will include time for discussion: 9th March Babette’s Feast – There can be more to life, 16th March About a Boy -There can be community for everyone, 23rd March The Blind Side – There can be a home for the excluded , 30th March Hotel Rwanda – There can be hope in hopeless situations
- Generosity for children – time, talents and treasure. Teaching and activities exploring ways of responding to God’s generosity. Mothering Sunday, March 22nd Junior Church. Parish Hall.
All are welcome. No need to book. Come when you can.
It is good to share and explore our faith.