Interregnum Survey

As we reflect upon the next steps in recruiting a new Vicar during the interregnum, we invite your views in a two page Survey on life and experiences  at St Anne’s.  

The survey closed on Monday 2nd August 

Printed copies are at the back of Church if electronic completion is not possible.  You might like to take a printed copy as an Aide Memoire to completing electronically.  

Please note that completing Anonymously is entirely acceptable: just exercise your option not to give your Name.
SurveyMonkey is GDPR compliant.  The Survey is just one way we are inviting the views of the congregation and there will be other consultation methods. 
 The Interregnum Team 

The Parish Survey has now closed.  A huge thank you to everyone who completed it. We have had an excellent response and the PCC is grateful for such thoughtful engagement with the process. The results of the survey and the planned consultations will inform the development of our Parish Profile and preparations for the recruitment process ahead. 

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