Learn to meditate at St Anne’s Church.
A 4-part Course in Meditation for Christians.
Sunday evenings 7.30pm 2, 9, 16, 23 June 2019.
The early Church Fathers discovered a method of discerning the word of God by falling deeply still and concentrating on a prayer-phrase or mantra.
The power of a Mantra is to release the Mind and Heart of anxieties and discover an Inner stillness. We have come to know this practice as Meditation.
David Boddy, a former Headmaster, Church Governor of Queen’s Primary School and meditator for over 40 years, offers the St Anne’s community a 4-part introductory course in Meditation for Christians.
Part 1: What is Meditation and how does it work?
Part 2: Meditation and the Scriptures
Part 3: Establishing Meditation and Prayer in daily practice
Part 4: Heart of the Matter – Finding Inner Peace & Happiness
The course will consist of four stand-alone discussion and meditation practice sessions. Participants are not required to attend all sessions. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes.
Please sign up if you are interested in attending