The Kew Society has been working with us and with Kew Gardens to provide a low maintenance yet high impact planting scheme in our churchyard. We hope to get funding from Richmond Council’s Parks and Gardens department which supports the plan but, until this is confirmed, the Kew Society are providing some limited funds now to get the project started. A group of us will be weeding and planting spring bulbs in the morning of Monday 2nd December from 10.00 onwards in those hard to mow areas in awkward spaces. It would be great to have some extra volunteers to help on the day. Just bring your muscles, a spade and a trowel. If you can help, please let Bill Cottle know on . In the meantime if you have a spare hour or so please come along anytime and remove some of our invasive weeds, especially that ugly prickly Aklanet which has a hideous nine inch root which needs removing. The more we get done in advance the easier the glorious planting will be. Thank you.