St Anne’s is re-opening for worship – Booking essential

Limited attendance (max 30) for all services

We will re-open for public worship from Ash Wednesday followed by weekly 8.00am and 10.00am Services. Booking is essential for all Services. Please apply to attend via the Parish Office at and bring your booking confirmation with you. See below for booking deadlines.

COVID safety measures: face coverings, hand sanitising, social distancing and Track & Trace continue to apply. Importantly, please note we are not allowed to congregate with others either inside the church or in its vicinity before or after services.

  • Ash Wednesday, February 17th: Sung Mass at 20.00. Bookings close at 11.00 on Tuesday 16th. Please bring your booking confirmation.
    • The Service will not include the imposition of ashes as during this pandemic this is deemed to be an unsafe. The Service will be live streamed.
  • Weekly Sunday services 08.00 and 10.00. Bookings close at 11.00am on the Friday before the Service. 10.00 services will be live streamed.

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