Good news – we are resuming teas next Sunday 27th June. Due to Covid restrictions we propose to have waitress service outside (weather permitting). Quite a change from normal! Thank you to those of you who have already signed up and especially to the bakers for their generous offerings. Cakes etc. may be baked ahead of time and placed in the chest freezer; labelled with contents and most importantly, date cooked. Freezer bags are in the back kitchen and the church is open from 10am to 11am every morning. Not such good news – unlike previous years we only have 11 weeks of Sunday teas and currently there is not one full team and very few bakers. We cannot provide teas without volunteers. The board is at the back of the church, do please sign up. If you have any suggestions or queries, I am happy for you to speak to me at church, leave a note or contact me via email: – Thank you, Barbara.