The Friends of St Anne’s Church are pleased to present the following events :
Impressionists in London
An Exclusive Talk by Caroline Corbeau–Parsons, Curator for the EY Exhibition Impressionists in London at Tate Britain. Caroline will include in her talk a discussion on several paintings by the artist Camille Pissarro who resided in Kew and painted views of St Anne’s Church. Further details to follow.
Includes coffee, a light lunch and a glass of wine
- Saturday 14th April at 11am.
- Tickets £20
'The Importance of the Kew Collections – Kill or Cure’
Presented by Prof Monique Simmonds, Deputy Director of Science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Saturday 12th May 11.00am.
- Tickets £15
Buy Tickets online at £5 discount for Friends.
Tickets available in church on the second Sunday only of each month