We shall be collecting from house-to-house in some streets this year, but are unable to collect as usual from outside Kew Gardens. Christian Aid, like all charities, suffered a drop in income last year. This year there is a particular focus on climate change, and how it affects poor countries especially badly. |
This is at a time when our national contribution to overseas development is scheduled to be reduced. Donations can be made on-line (link opens in new tab) or cheques and cash can be given in an envelope to the church office or a churchwarden. Please add Gift Aid if you can. Wednesday, 2nd June, 8.00-9.00 p.m. Canon Julian Reindorp, team rector in Richmond 1992-2009, will give an online talk about his ministry and life in 50 years as a priest. Using themes from hymns he will illustrate the people and places, here in the UK and overseas, who have influenced him on his faith journey. Questions and comments will be welcomed. This is also organised by Christian Aid. To access on Zoom, please use this external link (opens in new tab). Meeting ID: 819 0224 9828, Passcode: 819769 (NB This event NOT covered by the St Anne’s Church Zoom links policy).