Diary 7th – 14th June

Sunday 7 June 2020 – Trinity Sunday
10.00 Sung Eucharist via Facebook

Monday 8
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Tuesday 9 – St Columba
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom

Wednesday 10
08.45 Morning Prayer via zoom

Thursday 11 – Corpus Christi
08.45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
20.00 Sung Eucharist via Facebook (NB addendum to original)

Friday 12 – St Barnabas
07.00 Meditation Group via Zoom

Saturday 13
09.00 PCC Meeting via Zoom

Sunday 14 – Corpus Christi Sunday
10.00 Sung Eucharist via Facebook

Sunday Services announced are internet broadcast recordings accessible from the stated dates and times via this link

Please read the Guidance for Zoom sessions and apply to Fr. Nigel for links to the sessions to participate

Church buildings are currently closed

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